How can Åland profit from offshore wind farms built in its waters?

Åland needs to boost its economic growth and the development of the local business life. With the right approach, offshore wind power can make our society more robust in the long term. Offshore wind power investments around the Åland Islands are of such magnitude that realizing them requires international capital. At the same time, Åland […]

Will taxes from Åland fund offshore wind power?

There is no public support system on Åland for offshore wind power, and no such system is being planned. As one of the companies hoping to plan and construct windparks, Ilmatar Offshore receives financial support from tax funds neither in the investment nor in the construction phase. Previously, land-based wind power projects received funding but […]

What is the expected life span of planned wind power stations?

Generally, a turbine in a land-based wind power station provides energy for around 35 years. With current technology, offshore wind power stations are expected to have a lifespan of 20–25 years after start of operations. However, the rapid technological development within wind power solutions will most likely prolong their life span, along with the number […]

What happens when there is no wind?

A large-scale wind power station supplies electricity at wind speeds ranging from 3.5 to 25 meters per second. On Åland, the wind mostly tends to fit between these values, especially as high up as the turbines of offshore wind stations are placed. A study conducted by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, found that between November and […]

Can wind turbines be recycled at the end of their life span?

Up to 80 % of wind turbines can be recycled, and the recycling efficiency is on the rise due to demand, need, and requirements. More and more countries plan to implement strict requirements regarding the recycling of wind turbines, and the industry is responding with rapid development. For example, up to 82 % of a […]

How to source energy from offshore wind turbines when it is “too windy”?

Our society is in great need of more green energy, partly because of electrification and partly because we want to avoid importing fossil energy and energy from conflict zones. Future energy systems also require flexibility resources, such as energy storage and power-to-x, that is, the conversion of energy into hydrogen gas or ammonia. The technological […]

Will electricity become cheaper on Åland if we invest in offshore wind?

Electricity prices are not directly dependent on the production of individual production sites. Rather, they are the result of many actors trading on the energy market, and the price is determined by supply and demand. Energy from production sites can be freely sold on the electricity market, and thanks to the transmission cable that connects […]

How have the areas chosen been deemed suitable for offshore wind?

To oversimplify a little, the areas suitable for offshore wind (OSW) have been defined through a process of elimination. We have assessed the Åland waters and eliminated as many areas involving conflicts of interest as possible. After this, we have determined that a sufficient number of large areas remain for offshore wind to become a […]

What is the maritime spatial plan of Åland

The first maritime spatial plan of Åland entered into force on March 22nd, 2021, and has been developed in accordance with the Water Act of the Åland Islands and with the EU directive on maritime spatial planning. The maritime spatial plan shall be updated at least every six years. The purpose of the maritime spatial […]