How shall variations in voltage and frequency in the electric grid be handled?

Energy infrastructure must be continuously updated. The future is electrified and the current electricity grid must be developed and expanded. According to expert organization Sitra, Finland’s electricity demand will be doubled by 2050, and offshore wind is the cheapest way to produce all this energy.  Consequently, a great expansion of the electricity grid is pending. […]

How many GWh can a wind turbine produce during its life span?

The latest 15MW wind turbine model from leading global producers can generate approximately 80 GWh each year. In comparison, 1 GWh is the average amount of electricity used by 5o detached houses during one year. During its expected life span of 30 years, a turbine is able to produce a total of 2400 GWh. The […]

How many MWh must a turbine produce before it has produced more energy than is required for its construction and destruction?

On average, a wind turbine produces the energy it requires during its lifespan, including raw material sourcing, transportation, manufacturing, construction, maintenance, dismantling and recycling, in about nine months. In other words, during its expected lifespan of 30 years, a wind turbine produces roughly 38 times more energy than what is required by the raw material […]

Why should a Finnish company build offshore wind on Åland?

Ilmatar Offshore is an Åland-based company with a local business license. Ilmatar Offshore is a subsidiary of Ilmatar Energy. In the Åland maritime spatial plan, the estimated total investment cost for offshore wind on Åland (project Sunnanvind) is 4.2 billion euros. To realize these plans, external capital is needed. Ilmatar Offshore is one of the […]

How does offshore wind impact the environment, the climate and wildlife?

Like any sea-related human activity, the construction of offshore wind parks has a negative impact on the natural environment and wildlife in the short term both above and below the sea surface due to loud noises, increased activity and changes in the environment. In the long term, however, offshore wind is very beneficial, since it […]

How large are the wind parks to be built in the Sea of Åland?

In the maritime spatial plan of Åland, two areas north of Åland are marked as suitable for offshore wind. The northernmost area comprises around 475 square kilometers and the southern area around 96 square kilometers. To get a  rough idea of the area size, one can view the northern area as comprising three Saltviks or […]

Where will the wind parks be built?

The sea areas that Ilmatar Offshore is interested in are located north of the main island of Åland. Two areas are defined, which is why the distances vary. The closest area is situated around 30 kilometers off the coast of the main island.  Here, you can find a clear map of the energy areas in […]